Title: WOLSEY to [SILVESTER BP. OF WORCESTER] [Wolsey thanks Silvester, Bishop of Worcester]
10 Sept [1515]
Thanks him for the care he has taken in his promotion.
Lays his life, body, goods and honor at his disposal, and will promote his honor in England in like degree. Begs he will return his most cordial thanks to the Pope, to whom he is most bound, under the King, for calling him to be one of the Holy College of Cardinals.
The King will be ready to expose his person and goods to support the honor and safety of the Holy see. Requests the hat may be sent with all diligence. Considering that the parliament beginneth in crastino Animarum, "it shall be necessary that I have the habit and hat of a [Cardinal, and] whereas there be none here that can make the said habit" ... "[send] to me two or three hoods of such fashion and [colour as] Cardinals be wont to wear there, and also one paper of cappys (?) ... [l]arger and shallower than those were which your lordship lately sent to me with two ... gret (?) pieces of silk used by Cardinals there for making of kirtles and other [like] garments."
The King has signed the truce with the Pope's holiness.
Thinks he ought to send the King some hounorable title.
This will cost the Pope nothing, but "shall be ascribed to his perpetual memory, and chronicled amongst other his noble deeds." If Worcester can obtain it by the next post he shall deserve as much of the King as ever he did in his life. Refers him to Ammonius, whom Wolsey will not fail to help with all his power. Is writing to the Pope and all the Cardinals who congratulated him on his election. Sends a memorial of the letters which Worcester may deliver.
Draft in Wolsey's hand.
Subjoined is:-- "A memorial of the King's letters and my Lord Cardinal's letters." "[Two] letters from my Lord Cardinal to the Pope; one of thanks, the other responsive to such brevys as his holiness hath written to my said Lord." "[Seven] letters to the College, [1] to the Cardinal of St. George, 1 to the Cardinal Sanctæ Mariæ in Porticu, 1 to the Cardinal of St. Cross, 1 to the Cardinal de Medicis, 1 to the Cardinal Sanctorum Quatuor, [1] to the cardinal de Saulis, [1] to the Cardinal Adrian." In Wolsey's own hand.
In another hand is a list of the King's letters, &c. 3 to the Pope, 1 to the College of Cardinals, and 1 each to the Cardinals St. Crucis, de Bibiena, de Medicis, "the King's protector," de Saulis, S.torum Quatuor Coronatorum, and the Bp. of Worcester the King's orator.