Henry VIII, the Reign |
Letters & Papers: 1535 Volume 8
Henry VIII. and Francis I.
Articles proposed for a treaty between the two kings. 1.That if the king of England should be attacked by any potentate, Francis should take his part. 2. That if he think fit to invade Flanders, Francis shall make an equal contribution. 3. That Francis shall not only, according to his promises, declare himself displeased at the censures passed by the bishop of Rome or his predecessors against the King, but shall do his utmost to get the said Bishop and his cardinals to revoke them, and, if they refuse, will look upon all treaties with them as abrogated. 4. That Francis shall make no treaty with the Emperor without giving the King notice, and in any such treaty it shall be a condition that the Emperor shall regard as null the papal procedures and sentences against the King, and shall endeavor to get them revoked. 5. As sundry practises might be made to the King's prejudice under the shadow of a general council, Francis shall not agree to it without the King's assent. 6. In confirmation of these covenants both kings shall renounce all exceptions, and all laws and canons that might derogate from them, within three months. |