Title: John Husee to Lord Lisle [On New Year’s Day Small Court at Greenwich ]
3 Jan.[1538] R. O. 24. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
I delivered on New Year's Day your gift to the King. As soon as I was within the chamber of presence my lord Privy Seal smiled and said to the King "Here cometh my lord Lysle's man," and the King replied merrily, but I cannot tell what he said. After I had done my duty, his Grace received it of me smiling and giving more words to me than to any other that came, saying "I thank my Lord. How doth my Lord and my Lady? Are they merry?"
"The King stood leaning against the cupboard, receiving all things, and Mr. Tywke at the end of the same cupboard penning ail things that were presented, and behind his Grace stood Mr. Kyngston and Sir John Russell, and besides his Grace stood the earl of Harforde and my lord Privy Seal. There was but a small Court."
The King came to York Place the 2nd inst., and returns to Greenwich on the 4th. My lord of Wiltshire is again in Court and well entertained. "The election lieth betwixt Mrs. Mary Shelton and Mrs. Mary Skypwith. I pray Jesu send such one as may be for his Highness' comfort and the wealth of the realm.
Herein I doubt not but your Lordship will keep silence till the matter be surelier known." I had the 20l. of Mr. Rolles. I would gladly know your answer to my letters by Jaymes and whether you will have my lady Lisle [she had died] now removed to the parish church of Tychefylde.
I pray Jesu send you shortly an abbey, in cowmendam to your priory, with many good new years. London, 3 Jan.