Title: Franciscus Burgratus Vice-cancellarius and Georgius a
Beineburg, doctor, Oratores, to [Cromwell]. [Germans intend to leave on Hamburg ships in 14 days]
5 Aug. 38. Franciscus Burgratus Vice-cancellarius and Georgius a Beineburg, doctor, Oratores, to [Cromwell].
"[Spectabil]is ac magnifice Domine," according to your desire expressed by Chr. Montanus, to whom we have committed some things to be explained to you in return, we send you a letter for the King about certain abuses introduced by the bp. of Rome into the Church. Beg Cromwell will promote the matter so that they may leave in 14 days by the Hamburg ships.
Have great hope of agreement in matters of religion. London, 5 Aug. 1538.