This afternoon, 6 miles on this side of Newmarket,
I received your letter, by bearer, that I should not repair to Court till the King's further pleasure, because a servant of mine sickened of the pestilence.
As my servant came not in my house at Kenynghale since a fortnight before Hallowmas, and once at Christmas for his wages, but lay in livery with my horses at Ludham and Framyngham, where he died, and there were 6 children and 8 other persons in the house where he lay, and none of these have been sick, I think there can be no danger as I was 14 miles off.
Pray show the King this; and if I may come to Court, I will be there on Saturday night; if not I shall remain in London.
Let me know to-morrow night when I come to London. “Scribbled at Robert Tylney's house at Witlesford, this Thursday,” 7 p.m. “the first of April.”