Henry VIII, the Reign
CXIV. Wolsey to King Henry VIIL oire. In disciphring the duplicates, wherof I made mention to Your Highnes yesterday by my letters, I have founde certain newe additions, not conteyned in the other duplicates ; by the continue wherof it may be perceyved, that al thEmperours and his Counsails drifte is, under colorable delay es and fayre wordes, to put over the conclusion of peace with the French King, at Your Graces hande ; converting utterly, in the meane season, al ther procedinges to thatteyning of Italy ; con antes, sub clipeo confidencie in Maj estate Vestra, ac remissionis conditionum pacis ad eandem, rem pro- trahere, quo rebus interim Italicis facilius pociantur ; like as Your Highnes shal more clerelye perceyve by the reding of the same : and that the denyal made by the Duke of Burbon, of admission of the trieux, taken bitwen the Pope and the Viceroy, was doon by thEmperours consent and knowlege. And thus praying our Lord, that Your Highnes may be mery at my ' poore howse of the Moore, I most humbly bid the same farewel ; trusting, that if this wynde continue, I shal take my passage tomorowe towardes Calays, from whens, of myn arryval there, and such other thinges as occurre, I shal not fayle to advertise Your Highnes accordingly. At Your Graces citie of Cauntourbury, the 9th daye of July, by your
Moste humble Chapleyn, {Superscribed) (Signed) T. Cariu Ebor. To the Kinges Most Noble Grace, Defensour of the Faith. |