Henry VIII,the Reign
The Legal Year
Please Note: Until The Calendar (New Style) Act 1750 was introduced the legal year began on 25 March. Therefore, all legislation passed between 1 January and that date is counted as part of the previous calendar year 1. The King's Highness his general Pardon. (General pardon) 2. An Act concerning such as shall take Sanctuary for Felony or Murder. (Sanctuary) 3. An Act concerning Delays in Assizes. (Real actions) 4. An Act concerning Executors of last Wills and Testaments. (Executors) 5. An Act concerning Fines and Sums of Money to be taken by the Ministers of Bishops and other Ordinaries of Holy Church for the Probate of Testaments. (Probate fees, inventories, etc.) 6.An Act concerning the taking of Mortuaries, or demanding, receiving or claiming of the same. (Mortuaries Act 1529) 7. An Act for the Punishment of such Servants as shall withdraw themselves, and go away with their Masters' or Mistresses' Caskets and other Jewels or Goods, committed to them in Trust to be kept. (Embezzlement) 8. An Act for the bringing up and rearing of Calves to increase the Multitude of Cattle. (Killing calves) 9. An Act limiting the Prices of Woollen Hats, Bonnets, and Caps made beyond the Seas, and brought to be sold within this Realm. (Prices of foreign hats, etc.) 10. An Act against the carrying of Latin, Brass and such Metal mixed beyond the Seas. (Exportation) 11.An Act for Restitution to be made of the Goods of such as shall be robbed by Felons (Restitution of goods stolen) 12. An Act for the making of great Cables and Halsers, Ropes and all other Tackling for Ships, in the Borough of Burport, in the County of Dorset. .(Manufacture of cables, etc.) 13. An Act that no Spiritual Persons shall take to farm, of the King or any other Person, any Lands or Tenements for Term of Life, Lives, Years or at Will, &c.; and for Pluralities of Benefices; and for Residence. (Clergy) 14. An Act for the Linen Drapers in London. (Importation) 15. An Act that Tenants for Term of Years may falsify for their Term only, Recoveries had and made by their Lessors, to the defrauding of the said Termers' Interests. (Recoveries) 16. An Act ratifying a Decree made in the Star Chamber, concerning Strangers and Handy craftsmen inhabiting the Realm of England. (Aliens) 17.An Act repealing a Grant lately made by the King's Highness to the Citizens of York, for the shipping of certain Wools into the Port of Hull. (Repeal of grant to York (shipping wool to Hull, etc.) 18. An Act for the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, concerning the shipping of Merchandize, and the unshipping thereof within, the Liberties of the said Town. — This Act is still in force (Trade to Tyne) 19. An Act concerning Avowries. (Avowries) [a plea by a defendant in an action of replevin who admits taking the distrained goods and shows just cause for the taking.] 20. An Act that the President of the King's Counsel shall be associate with the Chancellor and Treasurer of England, and the Keeper of the King's Privy Seal. (President of Council) 21. An Act for Yarmouth concerning the making of Worsteds. (Yarmouth worsteds) 22.(Assurance to Duke of Norfolk) 23.(Will of John Rooper of Canterbury — note that this Act is still in force 24.(Release of loans, etc.) 25. (Wolsey attainder not to effect lands seized to uses) 26.(Assurance to Duchess of Norfolk) |