Henry VIII, the Reign
Acts of Parliament
2nd Session Reformation Parliament
Sitting from 16 January 1531 to 31 March 1531
1530 (22 Hen. 8)
Acts Relating to the Reformation of the Church - Numbers 15 and 16
1 (Regrators of wool) c. 1. An Act against Regrators and Gatherers of Wool.
2 (Foreign pleas) c. 2. An Act for avoiding of foreign Pleas pleaded by Felons.
3 (Plumstead Marsh (existing debts)) c. 3. An Act concerning Plumsted Marsh.
4 (Apprentices' fees) c. 4. An Act concerning the avoiding of Exactions levied on Apprentices.
5 Bridges Act 1530 c. 5. An Act concerning the Amendment of Bridges in Highways.
6 (Butchers) c. 6. An Act for Butchers not to keep Tan-houses.
7 (Exportation) c. 7. An Act against Conveyance of Horses out of this Realm.
8 (Customs) c. 8. An Act for Denizens to pay Strangers Customs.
9 (Poisoning) c. 9. An Act for Poisoning.
10 Egyptians Act 1530 c. 10. An Act concerning Egyptians.
11(Powdyke in Marshland (malicious injury a felony)) c. 11. An Act concerning Powdike in Marsh-land.
12 Vagabonds Act c. 12. An Act how aged, poor and impotent Persons, compelled to live by Alms, shall be ordered; and how Vagabonds and Beggars shall be punished.
13 (Aliens) c. 13. An Act concerning Bakers, Brewers, Surgeons and Scriveners.
14 (Abjuration, etc.) c. 14. An Act concerning Abjurations into Sanctuaries.
15 (Pardon to clergy) c. 15. An Act concerning a Pardon granted to the King's Spiritual Subjects of the Province of Canterbury for the Premunire.
16 (Pardon to laity) c. 16. An Act concerning the Pardon granted to the King's Temporal Subjects for the Premunire.
17 (Duke of Richmond) c. 17
18 (Expenses of King's household) c. 18
19 (Assurance to heirs of Sir William Fyloll) c. 19
20 (Town of Southampton) c. 20 — note that this Act is still in force
21 (Exchange between King and heirs of Lord Montague) c. 21
22 (Annuities granted out of Bishopric of Winchester) c. 22
23 (Jointure of Countess of Derby) c. 23