Jean Mallard and the Images of Henry VIII
Henry VIII's Psalter
In the British Library is Henry VIII's personal book of psalms, his Psalter, which was written and illuminated in 1540 by Jean Mallard, a French emigré previously at the French court of King Francis I. A number of the images associate Henry with King David.
Annotated in Henry VIII's own hand, the library provides a page by page view of the Psalter together with an optional audio commentary on its contents.
Link to British Library
Annotated in Henry VIII's own hand, the library provides a page by page view of the Psalter together with an optional audio commentary on its contents.
Link to British Library
Henry VIII
Playing the Harp |
Henry VIII by Jean Mallard
Link to Holbein and Images of Henry VIII
Henry as a Penitent King David
Henry, in the style of King David, playing the harp, with his 'fool' Will Sommers at his side. A companion of the king from 1525 until 1547, when Henry died. Anne Boleyn, however, barred him from the 1535 Royal Progress after suggestions he considered her a to be a ribald.
It seems that Will and Henry were rarely parted, and the jester even offered the king financial advice. "You have so many Frauditors [Auditors], so many Conveighers [Surveyors], and so many Deceivers [Receivers] that they get all to themselves. According to the accounts of the Royal Household Will was paid handsomely and was perhaps one of the very few people who Henry VIII managed to form a friendship with, and perhaps these images are more representative of Henry VIII the man than Holbein's paintings. M.H. |
The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” Psalm 53:1