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Henry VIII,the Reign
Timeline 1514
Charles Brandon Raised to Peerage
1 February 1514
Henry VIII closest friend Charles Brandon raised to peerage as Duke of Suffolk
Henry VIII closest friend Charles Brandon raised to peerage as Duke of Suffolk
Margaret's Regency Abolished - Charles Rules Netherlands
On coming of age, the young Charles was declared ruler of the Netherlands with the self-motivated assistance of William Chievres de Croy. (Margaret was side lined, but only temporarily, and regained her influence over the young Charles.)
Spanish Treachery Suspected
February 1514
Rumours from Spain suggested that Ferdinand, Catherine of Aragon's father, will renege on the treaty made in April 1513 to attack France. The new pope, Leo X, encouraged peace.
Rumours from Spain suggested that Ferdinand, Catherine of Aragon's father, will renege on the treaty made in April 1513 to attack France. The new pope, Leo X, encouraged peace.
Wolsey is Bishop of Lincoln
6 February 1514
Thomas Wolsey replaced William Smyth as Bishop of Lincoln. Smyth died while in office.
Thomas Wolsey replaced William Smyth as Bishop of Lincoln. Smyth died while in office.
King Henry Poorly
February 1514
The king was ill with measles or maybe smallpox, but his condition improved and he made a full recovery.
The king was ill with measles or maybe smallpox, but his condition improved and he made a full recovery.
Marriage Date Passes - No Wedding
15 May 1514
The agreed marriage of Mary and Charles has not taken place
The agreed marriage of Mary and Charles has not taken place
Archbishop of York Bainbridge Murdered
14 July 1514
Bainbridge died. He was murdered, having been poisoned by one of his own chaplains, Rinaldo de Modena. Rinaldo was imprisoned and confessed to the crime. He also implicated Silvester de Gigli, then Bishop of Worcester, as the instigator of the plot. De Giglis was the resident English ambassador in Rome, and regarded Bainbridge as a threat to his position. Some suspected that Wolsey was involved.
Bainbridge died. He was murdered, having been poisoned by one of his own chaplains, Rinaldo de Modena. Rinaldo was imprisoned and confessed to the crime. He also implicated Silvester de Gigli, then Bishop of Worcester, as the instigator of the plot. De Giglis was the resident English ambassador in Rome, and regarded Bainbridge as a threat to his position. Some suspected that Wolsey was involved.
New Flagship The Henry Grace à Dieu Launched
June 1514
In his presence, the king’s new flagship was launched on the Thames at Erith, Essex.
In his presence, the king’s new flagship was launched on the Thames at Erith, Essex.
Mary Repudiates Marriage Contract
30 July 1514
Henry's sister Mary repudiated the marriage contract with Charles.
Henry's sister Mary repudiated the marriage contract with Charles.
Ferdinand and Maximilian Renege on Henry
The peace initiative of Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici, Pope Leo X, bore fruit. Ferdinand persuaded Maximilian not to wage war on France. They abandoned the 1513 treaty. Henry VIII was advanced in his preparations to attack France, but if he fights Louis he must wage war alone.
Negotiations with France
2 August 1514
Commission to Norfolk. Wolsey and Fox to treat for peace and a marriage with France .
Commission to Norfolk. Wolsey and Fox to treat for peace and a marriage with France .
Treaty with France
7 August 1514
France and England agreed a treaty of peace and friendship.
France and England agreed a treaty of peace and friendship.
Thomas Boleyn Asked for Release of Anne from Habsburg Court
14 August 1514
From Greenwich, Thomas Boleyn wrote to the Archduchess Margaret to ask her to release Anne.
From Greenwich, Thomas Boleyn wrote to the Archduchess Margaret to ask her to release Anne.
Anne Boleyn Joins French Valois Court
In accordance with the change of allegiance from the Holy Roman Empire to France, Anne Boleyn joined the French royal court in the service of the king’s sister Queen Mary.
Henry VIII's Sister Mary is Married to King of France
9 October 1514
Having married by proxy on 18 August 1514 within the terms of the peace treaty between England and France negotiated by Cardinal Wolsey, the wedding ceremony of Mary, aged eighteen, and the fifty-two-year-old King Louis XII was held at Abbeville.
Having married by proxy on 18 August 1514 within the terms of the peace treaty between England and France negotiated by Cardinal Wolsey, the wedding ceremony of Mary, aged eighteen, and the fifty-two-year-old King Louis XII was held at Abbeville.
Mary Crowned Queen of France
5 November 1514
The new Queen of France was crowned at the Basilica of Saint Denis on 5 November 1514, and she entered Paris in great ceremony the next day.
The new Queen of France was crowned at the Basilica of Saint Denis on 5 November 1514, and she entered Paris in great ceremony the next day.
Richard Hunne
Also see Richard Hunne on Mark Holinshed's History Channel - YouTube